JTK Hair Jig

Hand-tied in the USA, the Gambler JTK Hair Jig is a must-have for serious bass anglers. Crafted with premium North American bucktail, enhanced with high-quality hackle for extra length, and accented with flash for added attraction, this jig is irresistible to bass feeding on shad or forage-style baitfish.

Equipped with a premium Mustad hook, the Gambler JTK Hair Jig delivers unmatched performance and durability. Its custom-designed head creates a unique falling action, effortlessly gliding over shell beds and hard bottoms while maintaining an upward hook position for better hookups. The lifelike movement and subtle flair make this jig an essential addition to your bass fishing arsenal, especially when fish are chasing baitfish.

Whether you're fishing for trophy-sized bass or trying to outsmart pressured fish, the Gambler JTK Hair Jig offers the perfect blend of action, durability, and realism to trigger more strikes.